Saturday May 16th

River Edw.

May 16th 2009

When the big river decides to turn ugly; don't despair, turn instead to the smaller rivers. The Edw is a lovely tree-lined tributary of the Wye. The main river was large and dirty. The Edw was eminently fishable and just a little coloured. The smaller streams offer many advantages over their bigger brothers; they are more sheltered by their corridor of trees; they react more quickly to rising and falling water; and most don't colour up as much as the main stem.

So are they worth fishing? I think so, and have spent many, many happy hours sneaking up their length, searching for trout. The Edw doesn't ask a lot, if you want to extract a trout or two. Patience is the first demand. Take your time, move slowly and check each pool before fishing. The other request of this stream is that you keep out of sight. Tuck into the banks or crouch as you approach a pool. The wild trout are keen to feed, but their top priority is to survive to feed another day. They are naturally wary, so stealth is key attribute of a successful angler.

There are fish to be caught, when nowhere else offers hope. And the fish are beautiful wild brownies. White-edged fins and sparkling silvery sides with brilliant red spots will grace a quietly placed nymph or dry fly.


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River Edw

Peter on the Edw